Top 5 Legal Defenses Used by Trucking Companies: How Truck Accident Lawyers Overcome Them

Trucking companies often deploy a variety of legal defenses to mitigate their liability and minimize compensation payouts. These defenses can complicate the pursuit of justice for victims and their families, making it imperative for them to seek representation from a skilled Portland truck accident lawyer. This article explores the top five legal defenses utilized by trucking companies and examines how experienced attorneys overcome them to secure favorable outcomes for their clients.

1. Contributory Negligence

One of the primary legal defenses employed by trucking companies is the assertion of contributory negligence on the part of the plaintiff. This defense argues that the victim’s own actions or negligence contributed to the accident and resulting injuries. By shifting blame onto the plaintiff, the trucking company aims to diminish its own liability and reduce the amount of compensation owed.

Truck accident lawyers are well-versed in countering claims of contributory negligence. They meticulously investigate the circumstances surrounding the accident, gathering evidence to demonstrate the primary fault of the trucking company or its driver. Through accident reconstruction, witness testimonies, and expert analysis, attorneys build a compelling case to refute allegations of contributory negligence and hold the responsible parties accountable.

Moreover, they aim to establish a clear chain of causation, demonstrating how the defendant’s actions or negligence directly led to the accident and the plaintiff’s injuries. By presenting a comprehensive narrative of the events leading up to the accident, attorneys effectively undermine the trucking company’s attempts to shift blame onto the plaintiff.

2. Statute of Limitations

Trucking companies may also invoke the statute of limitations as a defense against accident claims. The statute of limitations sets a time limit within which legal action must be initiated following an accident. If the plaintiff fails to file a lawsuit within this prescribed period, their claim may be barred, and they may lose the right to seek compensation.

Truck accident lawyers understand the importance of adhering to deadlines and preserving their clients’ legal rights. In cases where the statute of limitations is approaching or has expired, attorneys explore legal precedents and exceptions to extend or bypass the time limit. They diligently navigate the complexities of the law to ensure that victims can pursue their claims and obtain the compensation they deserve.

Additionally, attorneys may argue for tolling or suspension of the statute of limitations under certain circumstances, such as when the plaintiff was incapacitated or unaware of their legal rights due to extenuating circumstances. By advocating for the equitable application of the law, attorneys safeguard their clients’ access to justice and compensation.

3. Independent Contractor Status

Another common defense employed by trucking companies is the assertion that the driver involved in the accident was an independent contractor rather than an employee. By characterizing the driver as an independent contractor, the company seeks to avoid liability for the driver’s actions and any resulting injuries.

Truck accident lawyers delve into the details of the driver’s employment relationship with the trucking company to challenge claims of independent contractor status. They scrutinize employment contracts, work agreements, and the degree of control exerted by the company over the driver’s activities. Through thorough investigation and legal argumentation, attorneys establish the driver’s status as an agent of the company, holding the company vicariously liable for the driver’s negligence.

Furthermore, attorneys may explore alternative theories of liability, such as negligent hiring, training, or supervision, to hold the trucking company accountable for its role in the accident. By uncovering evidence of the company’s control over the driver and its failure to exercise reasonable care in overseeing its operations, attorneys dismantle the defense of independent contractor status and pursue full and fair compensation for their clients.

4. Mechanical Failure or Equipment Malfunction

In cases where mechanical failure or equipment malfunction is cited as the cause of a truck accident, trucking companies may use this defense to deflect blame from their own negligence. They may argue that the accident was an unforeseeable consequence of a mechanical issue beyond their control, absolving them of liability.

To counter claims of mechanical failure, truck accident lawyers collaborate with accident reconstruction experts and mechanical engineers to conduct a comprehensive investigation. They analyze maintenance records, inspect the vehicle involved in the accident, and identify any evidence of negligence, such as inadequate maintenance or defective equipment. By uncovering the root cause of the mechanical failure, attorneys demonstrate the trucking company’s liability and pursue compensation on behalf of their clients.

Moreover, attorneys may explore product liability claims against the manufacturers or suppliers of the defective components, seeking additional avenues of recovery for their clients. By holding all responsible parties accountable for their roles in the accident, attorneys maximize compensation for victims and ensure that they receive the financial support they need to recover from their injuries and rebuild their lives.

5. Driver Error or Negligence

Finally, trucking companies may assert that the accident was caused by the driver’s error or negligence, rather than any fault on the part of the company. They may cite factors such as driver fatigue, distraction, or inadequate training as contributing factors to the accident.

Truck accident lawyers meticulously scrutinize the driver’s conduct leading up to the accident to refute claims of sole responsibility. They investigate the driver’s training and qualifications, compliance with federal regulations, and adherence to safety protocols. Through deposition testimony, expert analysis, and accident reconstruction, attorneys build a compelling case to demonstrate the company’s liability for the accident and pursue maximum compensation for their clients.

Additionally, attorneys may explore theories of negligent entrustment or supervision, arguing that the trucking company knew or should have known of the driver’s incompetence or unfitness to operate a commercial vehicle. By highlighting the company’s failure to exercise reasonable care in hiring, training, or supervising its drivers, attorneys hold the company accountable for its role in the accident and seek punitive damages to deter similar conduct in the future.


In the aftermath of a truck accident, victims and their families are often faced with formidable legal challenges posed by trucking companies and their insurers. By understanding the top legal defenses used by trucking companies and enlisting the services of experienced truck accident lawyers, victims can level the playing field and pursue justice with confidence. Through diligent investigation, strategic legal argumentation, and unwavering advocacy, attorneys overcome these defenses to secure fair compensation and hold negligent parties accountable for their actions.

Additionally, if you or a loved one has been involved in a truck accident caused by a driver under the influence (DUI), it is crucial to seek legal representation from a reputable DUI accident attorney immediately. A skilled attorney will vigorously advocate for your rights and pursue maximum compensation for your injuries and losses. Don’t delay contact a DUI accident attorney today to discuss your case and explore your legal options.